
做你自己 – Life Is What You Make It by Peter Buffett

“ 股神”之子彼得•巴菲特,为我们带来了这本世界级的心灵成长之书——《做你自己》。他的父亲沃伦•巴菲特是名列《时代》杂志全球100大最具影响力人物榜、富可敌国的“股神”。身为股神之子,彼得•巴菲特却没有继承衣钵成为华尔街金童,而是选择用音乐谱出人生最美妙的乐章。他从父亲那里获益最大的是一套人生哲学:人一生最大的财富,就是能做自己!他在名校斯坦福大学只念了三个学期便决定休学,从零开始打造音乐梦。尽管历经波折,但他终于靠自己的力量,收获了属于自己的成功,赢得美国电视界最高荣誉“艾美奖”。

的确,如果跟着父亲走入华尔街,顶着“巴菲特”家族的光环,绝对可以少奋斗三十年。但“ 股神”让彼得听从自己内心的声音,发挥自己的天赋,于是彼得选择了截然不同的音乐之路,这才是他人生真正的激情所在!能有个“股神”父亲,彼得•巴菲特的确不是一般的幸运,因为从父亲身上,他看到了什么是认真和自律、如何勇于面对挑战,并且尽情享受自己所选择的人生。彼得•巴菲特以他动人的人生经历告诉你:唯有“做你自己”才能永远怀抱热情,拥有迈向成功所需要的一切意志、胆识和决心!

From composer, musician, and philanthropist Peter Buffett comes a warm, wise, and inspirational book that asks which you will choose: the path of least resistance or the path of potentially greatest satisfaction?

You may think that with a last name like his, Buffett has enjoyed a life of endless privilege. But the son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett says that the only real inheritance handed down from his parents was a philosophy: Forge your own path in life. It is a creed that has allowed him to follow his own passions, establish his own identity, and reap his own successes.

In Life Is What You Make It, Buffett expounds on the strong set of values given to him by his trusting and broadminded mother, his industrious and talented father, and the many life teachers he has met along the way.

Today’s society, Buffett posits, has begun to replace a work ethic, relishing what you do, with a wealth ethic, honoring the payoff instead of the process. We confuse privilege with material accumulation, character with external validation. Yet, by focusing more on substance and less on reward, we can open doors of opportunity and strive toward a greater sense of fulfillment. In clear and concise terms, Buffett reveals a great truth: Life is random, neither fair nor unfair.

From there, it becomes easy to recognize the equal dignity and value of every human life. Our circumstances may vary, but our essences do not. We see that our journey in life rarely follows a straight line but is often met with false starts, crises, and blunders. How we push through and persevere in these challenging moments is where we begin to create the life of our dreams – from discovering our vocations to living out our bliss to giving back to others.

Personal and revealing, instructive and intuitive, Life Is What You Make It is about transcending your circumstances, taking up the reins of your destiny, and living your life to the fullest.



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