《How to Get Along with Anyone: The Playbook for Predicting and Preventi...

Kay’s Incredible Inventions 是一本充满幽默与智慧的科普书籍,由英国喜剧作...

《Why Nothing Works: Who Killed Progress—and How to Bring It Back》是Mar...

The Let Them Theory 是Mel Robbins倾注心血创作的一本关于个人成长和心...

本书是由Reid Hoffman和Greg Beato合著的一本关于人工智能未来展望的书籍。这...

The Technological Republic: Hard Power, Soft Belief, and the Future of t...

The first part of the book tells the story of science in both East and W...

Andrew Sobel offers a proven, 100-day plan for conquering 14 tough clien...
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