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Harsh Times – 艰辛时刻 by Mario Vargas Llosa
Guatemala, 1954. The military coup perpetrated by Carlos Castillo Armas ...
Counterpoint – 复调 by Philip Kennicott
As his mother was dying, Philip Kennicott began to listen to the music o...
Caliban and the Witch – 凯列班与女巫 by Silvia Federici
Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to capi...
动物学家的星际漫游指南 – The Zoologist’s Guide to the Galaxy by Arik Kershenbaum
Maggie Finds Her Muse by Dee Ernst
A sparkling romantic comedy starring a bestselling author who goes to Pa...
绞河镇的最后一夜 – Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving
Lana’s War by Anita Abriel
From the author of the “fast-paced, heartbreaking, and hopeful” (Kristin...