他是谷歌、微软等科技巨头推崇的人际生物学创立者。 他的第七感理论被“情...

An extraordinary insight into life under one of the world’s most ruthles...

From Akutagawa Award-winning author Yoko Ogawa comes a haunting trio of ...

Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our eve...

From the Pulitzer Prize winner, a surprising, powerful, and eloquent non...

想每天做完所有事?每件事都追求完美? 醒醒吧,不存在的!(倒是很可能提...

获选金融时报年度好书、Fortune杂志年度好书 比尔盖兹: 非常好看! 一个来...

The former global CEO of Chanel charts her unlikely path from literature...
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