1872年斐利亚・福克先生在伦敦改良俱乐部和会友们打赌,要在八十天内环游地球一周。在当时的情况下,这确实是一件很难办到的事,因为旅客一定要把时间掌握得非常准确,也就是说一下火车就要上轮船,一下轮船就要上火车, 如果有半点延误,就会使整个旅行计划脱节而前功尽弃。但 是福克先生从伦敦出发,经过欧、非、亚、美四个洲,以坚定的意志克服了无数自然和人为的障碍,终于在八十天内环游地球一周回到伦敦,甚至还提前一天完成任务。在这本书里,作者通过动人的故事情节介绍了各地的奇风异俗和丰富的地理知识。
In London, 1872, a man named Phileas Fogg makes a bet with his friends that he can travel across the entire planet in eighty days. The wager? More than half his sizable fortune — and the exact same amount of money that was stolen from a nearby bank a day earlier. Fogg hastily departs in the company of Passepartout, his personal attendant, on a journey that will take the two men all over the wide world by way of every known means of transportation. Little does Fogg know that a sly detective trails his every globetrotting step . . .
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