
世界需要父亲 – The World Needs A Father: A Trainers Guide by Cassie Carstens




If the family unit is a fundamental building block of society, the nucleus of that unit is the father, and when he causes damage, the ripples affect everyone. Drawing from decades of first-hand experience and a wealth of academic research, this book delves into the depths of the catastrophe that is fatherlessness, laying it open from an academic and personal perspective, and presenting a thorough, practical solution.

The book was written with the intention of capturing the core of The World Needs A Father Master Trainer course in a format that is easy to access and digest, but it is also an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to be a better husband, father or mentor. It will challenge you, convict you, and encourage you to be the best father you can be within your context. While it is rooted in Christian ethics and values, the truth and practical value that it expresses is just as relevant to people of a secular inclination, adherents to other faiths, or those who subscribe to no particular faith at all.



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