
谷歌的故事 – The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media, and Technology Success of Our Time by David A. Vise


谷歌创始人如何运用各种关系获取资金和人才?如何利用原始的计算能力和万事皆有可能的理念,让谷歌成为一座灯塔和一块儿磁石?在 “卖不出去”的窘境面前,如何让风投界的两大竞争对手——凯鹏和红杉资本破例共同投资?如何成功摆脱华尔街的掌控,完成谷歌上市?



Moscow-born Sergey Brin and Midwest-born Larry Page dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to, in their own words, “change the world” through a powerful search engine that would organize every bit of information on the Web for free. The Google Story takes you deep inside the company’s wild ride from an idea that struggled for funding in 1998 to a firm that rakes in billions in profits, making Brin and Page the wealthiest young men in America. Based on scrupulous research and extraordinary access to Google, this fast-moving narrative reveals how an unorthodox management style and culture of innovation enabled a search engine to shake up Madison Avenue and Wall Street, scoop up YouTube, and battle Microsoft at every turn. Not afraid of controversy, Google is expanding in Communist China and quietly working on a searchable genetic database, initiatives that test the founders’ guiding mantra: DON’T BE EVIL.



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