小说采用倒叙、插叙等方式交代了主人公奥马尔背井离乡的原因,由此引出种种记忆,小到家族恩怨,大到桑给巴尔的殖民独立史。叙述角度的不断变化,回忆与遗忘相互交叠,形成了古尔纳独特的叙事艺术。《海边》展现了古尔纳对难民处境的深切关注,尤其是对于身处不同文化夹缝中的难民。On a late November afternoon, Saleh Omar arrives at Gatwick Airport from his native Zanzibar. With him he has a small bag in which lies his most precious possession—a mahogany box containing incense. He used to own a furniture shop, have a house and be a husband and father. Now he is an asylum seeker from paradise, silence his only protection. Meanwhile, Latif Mahmud, a distinguished young professor, lives quietly alone in his London flat. When the two encounter each other in an English seaside town, the narratives each carries of their mutual past begin to unravel—revealing an infinitely more fascinating story of love and betrayal, seduction and possession, and of a people desperately trying to find stability amidst the maelstrom of their times.
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