
“醉醺醺”的脑科学 – Think Tank: Forty Neuroscientists Explore the Biological Roots of Human Experience by David J. Linden

这是一本由近40位世界杰出神经科学家撰写的文集,神经学家大卫·林登找到一群杰出的大脑研究者,与他们分别对酒畅谈,每当喝到微醺之时,林登博士总会提出一个相同的问题:“关于大脑功能,你想向世界解释什么?” 研究者们不会唠叨近期所做实验的细枝末节,也不会满口专业术语,而是一下子提起神来,给出清晰而富有见地的答案。《“醉醺醺”的脑科学》就是这些对话的成果。



Neuroscientist David J. Linden approached leading brain researchers and asked each the same question: “What idea about brain function would you most like to explain to the world?” Their responses make up this one‑of‑a‑kind collection of popular science essays that seeks to expand our knowledge of the human mind and its possibilities. The contributors, whose areas of expertise include human behavior, molecular genetics, evolutionary biology, and comparative anatomy, address a host of fascinating topics ranging from personality to perception, to learning, to beauty, to love and sex. The manner in which individual experiences can dramatically change our brains’ makeup is explored.

Professor Linden and his contributors open a new window onto the landscape of the human mind and into the cutting‑edge world of neuroscience with a fascinating and enlightening compilation that science enthusiasts and professionals alike will find accessible and enjoyable.


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