Three charming comedy series starring the dear ladies of a musical bent, Dr Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket.
Meet Hinge and Bracket, the delightful double act brought to sublime life by George Logan and Patrick Fyffe. Lifelong companions and musical collaborators, they enjoy nothing more than performing around the piano together and trading light-hearted banter spiced with comic innuendo and a double entendre or two.
Collected here are the very best of their radio appearances, including the pilot episode and first series of The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket. From their home in the genteel Suffolk village of Stackton Tressel, the pair embark on a variety of adventurous escapades, such as staging a murder mystery, taking part in a sonic jamboree with Peter Pratt, appearing on Desert Island Discs with Roy Plomley, sailing off on a musical cruise and orchestrating a last-minute royal celebration.
Also featured are 17 episodes from The Random Jottings of Hinge and Bracket. Introduced by entries from Dame Hilda’s diary, they chronicle the further misadventures of the dear ladies, including organising a Fancy Dress Ball, dealing with mice, woodworm and a headstrong donkey, partaking in a little too much home-made wine and squabbling over a holiday – and the milkman.