《心灵鸡汤》作者2002年最新力作,《纽约时报》畅销榜第四名,美国首印70万册的最新励志作品! 两位超级畅销书作家用几十年的经验,与大家分享他们的成功秘诀,教人们如何获得超常的财富,它将告诉你:百万富翁的24个原则;成功人士的7大金钱技能;杠杆原理的6种形式;零首付购买房地产的10大技巧…… 本书的另一大特点是二合一的独特文本:一半是小说,一半是论述。单页码的小说讲述了一个女人的奋斗——为了获得儿女的抚养权,她不得不在90天内赚取到100万美元的传奇,双页码部分阐明了在现实生活中创造财富的屡试不爽的策略。
Would you like to know the secrets to making all the money you’ll ever want?
Now, two mega-bestselling authors with decades of experience in teaching people how to achieve extraordinary wealth and success share their secrets. Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the phenomenal Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and Robert G. Allen, one of the world’s foremost financial experts, have helped thousands of people become millionaires. Now it’s your turn.
Is it possible to make a million dollars in only one minute? The answer just might surprise you. The One Minute Millionaire is an entirely new approach, a life-changing “millionaire system” that will teach you how to:
* Create wealth even when you have nothing to start with.
* Overcome fears so you can take reasonable risks.
* Use the power of leverage to build wealth rapidly.
* Use “one minute” habits to build wealth over the long term.
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