在人群中要找一张熟悉的脸是再简单不过的事,我们习以为常。但是人类是怎么办到这件事的,这是科学界最重要的谜题之一 。我们大脑的运作有三分之一与视觉相关。基本上,科学家要讲清楚人类是如何看见感知人事物的,背后牵连到人类独特的认知本能。
A Harvard researcher investigates the human eye in this insightful account of what vision reveals about intelligence, learning, and the greatest mysteries of neuroscience.
Spotting a face in a crowd is so easy, you take it for granted. But how you do it is one of science’s great mysteries. And vision is involved with so much of everything your brain does. Explaining how it works reveals more than just how you see. In We Know It When We See It, Harvard neuroscientist Richard Masland tackles vital questions about how the brain processes information — how it perceives, learns, and remembers — through a careful study of the inner life of the eye.
Covering everything from what happens when light hits your retina, to the increasingly sophisticated nerve nets that turn that light into knowledge, to what a computer algorithm must be able to do before it can be called truly “intelligent,” We Know It When We See It is a profound yet approachable investigation into how our bodies make sense of the world.
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