《经济学人》(英语:The Economist)是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本面向全球发行,其编辑部位于伦敦。它在1843年9月由詹姆斯·威尔逊创办在创办之初,《经济学人》以报纸版式发行;时至今日,尽管它已经采用小开本、亚光纸的杂志版式出版,但它依然沿用旧时的习惯,将自己称为“报纸”2017年上半年,《经济学人》实体和数字刊物的平均每周发行量合共达到144万份,其中近六成发行量位于北美地区
The Economist is an international weekly newspaper printed in magazine-format and published digitally that focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. Based in London, England, the newspaper is owned by The Economist Group, with core editorial offices in the United States, as well as across major cities in continental Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.