
猿猴的把戏 – Games Primates Play: An Undercover Investigation of the Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships by Dario Maestripieri

人不仅祖先是猿,其实我们还是猿,只是文明给我们的行为包了一层外壳,灵长类的种族天性在现代仍然影响着人类间的人际关系,也是潜规则的源头。 人际关系是每个人生活中很重要的一环,在一个群体当中,每个人都有自己的人际关系,而且这种关系通常非常复杂。 更复杂的是影响人际关系的潜规则,这些规则说不清道不明,其真面目其实是漫漫进化路途上,自然选择和物种进化镌刻在人类基因上的生物本能行为模式。 作为一名进化生物学家,作者从生物学、进化论和博弈论、经济学、心理学等角度分析了影响现代人人际交往的本能,并为提高人际交往提出了合理控制这些本能的建议。 读《猿猴的把戏》,认识来自猩猩的你。

Most humans don’t realize that when they exchange emails with someone, anyone, they are actually exhibiting certain unspoken rules about dominance and hierarchy. The same rules regulate the exchange of grooming behavior in rhesus macaques or chimpanzees. Interestingly, some of the major aspects of human nature have profound commonalities with our ape ancestors: the violence of war, the intensity of love, the need to live together. While we often assume that our behavior in everyday situations reflects our unique personalities, the choices we freely make, or the influences of our environment, we rarely consider that others behave in these situations in almost the exact the same way as we do. In Games Primates Play, primatologist Dario Maestripieri examines the curious unspoken customs that govern our behavior. These patterns and customs appear to be motivated by free will, yet they are so similar from person to person, and across species, that they reveal much more than our selected choices.Games Primates Play uncovers our evolutionary legacy: the subtle codes that govern our behavior are the result of millions of years of evolution, predating the emergence of modern humans. To understand the rules that govern primate games and our social interactions, Maestripieri arms readers with knowledge of the scientific principles that ethologists, psychologists, economists, and other behavioral scientists have discovered in their quest to unravel the complexities of behavior. As he realizes, everything from how we write emails to how we make love is determined by the legacy of our primate roots and the conditions that existed so long ago. An idiosyncratic and witty approach to our deep and complex origins, Games Primates Play reveals the ways in which our primate nature drives so much of our lives.


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