Inspired by insights gained in spaceflight, a NASA astronaut offers key lessons to empower Earthbound readers to fight climate change
When Nicole Stott first saw Earth from space, she realized how interconnected we are and knew she had to help protect our planetary home.
In Back to Earth, Stott imparts essential lessons in problem-solving, survival, and crisis response that each of us can practice to make change. She knows we can overcome differences to address global issues, because she saw this every day on the International Space Station. Stott shares stories from her spaceflight and insights from scientists, activists, and changemakers working to solve our greatest environmental challenges. She learns about the complexities of Earth’s biodiversity from NASA engineers working to enable life in space and from scientists protecting life on Earth for future generations. Ultimately, Stott reveals how we each have the power to respect our planetary home and one another by living our lives like crewmates, not passengers, on an inspiring shared mission.
在《回到地球》中,斯托特传授了解决问题、生存和危机应对方面的重要课程,我们每个人都可以通过练习做出改变。她知道我们可以克服分歧来解决全球问题,因为她每天都在国际空间站看到这一点。斯托特分享了她在太空飞行中的故事,以及致力于解决我们最大的环境挑战的科学家、活动家和变革者的见解。她从致力于促进太空生命的 NASA 工程师和为子孙后代保护地球生命的科学家那里了解到地球生物多样性的复杂性。最终,斯托特揭示了我们每个人如何通过像船员而不是乘客一样过着鼓舞人心的共同使命来尊重我们的星球家园和彼此。
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