
地球上最孤单的动物 – A Wild Child’s Guide to Endangered Animals by Millie Marotta

本书介绍了来自世界八大栖息地的43 种野生濒危动物,讲述了它们的生存状态、生活习性,以及面临的威胁和困境。除此之外,书中还列举了保护濒危动物的具体措施,提供了详尽的动物分布地图。


From New York Times bestselling author Millie Marotta comes this gorgeous celebration of the animal kingdom.

Highlights the plight of 43 endangered species from around the world: Take a trip through freshwaters, oceans, forests, mountains, tundras, deserts, grasslands, and wetlands while learning about rare and well-known animals and their habitats.

• Vivid illustrations bring caribous, axolotls, giraffes, agami herons, and many more to life on these rich and varied pages.
• Illuminating text relays the story of each species, from how they live and why they are endangered to what is being done about it.
• Complete with a map detailing where each species can still be found to enrich the reading experience further and inspire additional research.

A visually rich, timely, informative book raises awareness in the most spectacular way.

Millie Marotta is a freelance illustrator working from her studio by the sea in a little corner of West Wales. She grew up in the wilderness of rural Wales where she developed a fascination with all things flora and fauna, which, along with intricate pattern and detail, remains an ongoing theme in her work. Millie’s intention is simply to create beautiful artwork which captivates, charms, and inspires a curiosity in others for the natural world.

A Wild Child’s Guide to Endangered Animals makes an enlightening gift for any nature or animal enthusiast.



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